EU-Horizon Consultancy Services Framework Agreements


03 - Kontraktstildeling
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
02.07.2021 10.12 (GMT+02:00)


Anne Kristin Riise
Jonsvannsveien 82, bygg A
7491 Trondheim


The aim of the procurement of these services is to enable NTNU's personnel to develop competence, necessary knowledge, and skills to improve the quality of the proposed development and project management for Horizon Europe. This contract is divided into the following lots/packages: 1) Training workshops, from proposal development to project management programmes under Horizon Europe, including generic topics of particular interest that describe impact, innovation and cross-discipline aspects; 2) Concept development and positioning towards Horizon Europe proposals for selected groups or individuals, primarily project coordinators; 3) Review of draft to European Horizon proposals and related European programs.

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