Evaluation and Trailing Research on Leisure Card Schemes


15 - Intensjonskunngjøring
Inngåelse av kontrakt uten kunngjøring av konkurranse
01.07.2021 09.17 (GMT+02:00)


Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet
Alida Skiple
Postboks 2233
3103 Tønsberg


Changes to a contract for the evaluation and trailing research on leisure card schemes. The Ministry of Children and Families (BFD) has given Bufdir the task of expanding the ongoing trailing research on leisure care schemes by 12 municipalities and extending the trial period by one year. Bufdir has therefore asked the provider to sketch a solution proposal for how the trailing research can be expanded so that the total number of municipalities si 24 and the period extended until October 2022.

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