Framework Agreement for Building Materials for Agder County


03 - Kontraktstildeling
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
23.04.2021 10.23 (GMT+02:00)


Agder fylkeskommune Agder fylkeskommune
Jan Petter Røinaas
Postboks 788 Stoa
4809 Arendal


The procurement will cover the contracting authority's need for building materials. The exception will be in cases where the contracting authority has engaged a supplier of trade services that obtains products/materials for the work. The contracting authority reserves the right not to use the framework agreement suppliers for major work in construction projects. Major work means individual assignments with a cost limit of NOK 200 000 excluding VAT. The contracting authority reserves the right to keep up to 10 % of the annual procurement of goods/material outside the contract. This is to ensure that the contracting authority has the option to make minor procurements in a practical and time-efficient way.

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