§ 12 Places for the Norwegian Correctional Service


02 - Kunngjøring
Konkurranse med forhandling
15.01.2020 09.51 (GMT+01:00)
17.02.2020 12.00


Kriminalomsorgsdirektoratet Kriminalomsorgsdirektoratet
Trond Hansen Trond Hansen
Solheimsgata 21
2000 Skedsmo

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Service (Norwegian abbreviation: KDI) wants to procure institution places that are suitable for executing the entire or parts of mandatory sentencing pursuant to the Execution of Sentences Act's § 12 by offering housing and vocational training or other measures that are required for the prisoners' rehabilitation and which the correctional service is unable to provide. The institution must have an 24-hour service.

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