Collection and Processing of Sludge


03 - Kontraktstildeling
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
10.01.2020 09.46 (GMT+01:00)


Haugesund Kommune Haugesund Kommune
Trygve Gunnarshaug Trygve Gunnarshaug
Postboks 2160
5504 Haugesund


Årabrot Renseanlegg in Haugesund Municipality has since the plant was established in 2015 delivered sludge, screenings (screened and sieved matter) and sand to HIM [Haugaland Interkommunale Miljøverk]. HIM can no longer receive sludge (statutory) and Haugesund Municipality must therefore enter into a new contract thereof. The intention of the tender contest is to enter into a framework agreement for the reception and transportation of sewage sludge in accordance with information given in the tender documents.

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