Tender Proposal for a brand analysis of Greater Copenhagen


101 - Varer og tjenester
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
20.09.2019 12.26 (GMT+02:00)
23.09.2019 23.55 (GMT+02:00)


KØBENHAVNS KOMMUNE Økonomiforvaltningen KØBENHAVNS KOMMUNE Økonomiforvaltningen
Signe Ingholt-Gaarde Signe Ingholt-Gaarde
Københavns Rådhus, Rådhuspladsen 1 1, 3
1550 København V

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Kort beskrivelse



Greater Copenhagen is a metropolitan region that spans Eastern Den-mark and Southern Sweden. The 85 municipalities in Greater Copenha-gen are home to 4.3 million inhabitants and Scandinavia’s largest urban area and recruitment base of highly-skilled employees

The City of Copenhagen wishes to carry out a deeply data-driven analy-sis of the Greater Copenhagen brand storyline(s) for a target group specific brand communication. The following project description has been developed in consultation with city branding expert Sebastian Zenker and is based on dialogue with the investment agency Copenha-gen Capacity (the official inward investment agency for the Greater Co-penhagen metropolitan area and brand operator for the Greater Co-penhagen brand).

Task description:

We understand a city brand as a network of associations in the place consumers’ mind, while these associations differ in their influence within the network and in importance for the place consumers’ attitude and behaviour (brand drivers). In other words, to understand the brand, one has to explore these associations and their importance to a given target group.

The purpose of the brand analysis is therefore to dive into the views of key stakeholders/target groups to explore and quantify what they see as the key identifying elements of the Greater Copenhagen region and de-velop a framework of key brand drivers. The task is NOT to develop new tagline, story line or a new advertising campaign, but instead research and analyse data findings that both identify key elements and specific attributes of the Greater Copenhagen brand (brand drivers) which make up and/or increase the positive perception of the region. In doing so, it should be quantified which aspects of the brand are most relevant for which specific target audience, to make a target-group specific brand communication more effective – that mean we also want to know about potential new key brand drivers, or if any current brand drivers should be played down or emphasised.

The data and findings should provide input to the development of the Greater Copenhagen communication strategy and the key messages being developed here. It will furthermore provide input to the work of Copenhagen Capacity. The bidding agency is therefore also expected to coordinate closely with the agency responsible for developing the Greater Copenhagen communication strategy. The agency is furthermore expected to build upon existing work concerning the Greater Copenhagen brand, cf. background and appendix.

Target groups

Our internal target groups include (1) residents and (2) expats, as well as (3) the media (national and international).

Secondly, the brand analysis should also focus on the external view. Currently, the overall target groups for the international branding are: Investors, companies (re-location) decision-makers, start-ups and tal-ents within the areas of (4) Life science, (5) IT/tech companies, and (6) companies of the sustainability/clean technology sector. Moreover (7) international talents from the IT sector and the greater Science, Tech-nology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) educational background – especially from Europe, the United States and Brazil.

For these target groups, a brand analysis should be done and key brand drivers identified and quantified. The collected data should also make it possible to carry out specific subsequent sociodemographic analyses across sectors. First analyses in this regard could also be part of the task.

The touristic aspects and perceptions are not part of the task.

Expected time frame:

The analysis should be finalised by the end of 2019 or beginning of 2020, but first findings should preferably be available during November to provide input to the Greater Copenhagen communication strategy.

Expected budget

The brand analysis is expected to cost a maximum of 130.000 Euro.

Elements to be included in the final bid:

• Task presentation that reflects the elements mentioned above

• Specifications and a justification of the chosen method for the brand analysis

• Description and justification of the proposed data collection process, including suggested sample size of each target group and approach to recruit the participants

• Estimated time frame

• Description of project team: Qualifications and experience

• Experience in the field: Name a few examples of similar projects (recently conducted).

Task presentation and experience in the fields must be part of the bid in order for it to be accepted. Based on the written input, we might invite 3-5 agencies to give an oral pitch of their proposal if relevant.

Department of Finance Tender proposal for a brand analysis of Greater Copenhagen 3/5

Evaluation parameters

- Price (20%)

- Content and overall quality (80%) - including understanding of the task, chosen method, proposed data collection process and project team experience.


- Senior advisor Signe Ingholt-Gaarde (sig@kk.dk)

- Head of division: Annemarie Munk Riis (amr@kk.dk)

Questions and answers regarding the tender will be published on www.udbud.dk

Deadline for submitting proposal

September 23rd, 2019.


The contractor is required to keep confidentiality of all processes, infor-mation and results of the project and not share it with third parties, if not previous agreed by the contracting body.

Data privacy and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The contractor is required to follow the laws of the General Data Protec-tion Regulation (GDPR), EU regulation 2016/679 as well as the City of Copenhagen’s General Privacy Policy.

Contractual obligation

The contractor is required to follow the City of Copenhagen’s labour clause.


- Mission statement for the Greater Copenhagen communication strategy

- Previous Greater Copenhagen brand analysis (description of brand customer interactions)

- Previous brand analysis from Copenhagen Capacity

Filer (klikk på filnavn for å laste ned)

Tittel Størrelse
2019-0093687-5 Tender proposal for a brand analysis of Greater Copenhagen 32771582_22745318_0.pdf 117 KB
Brand assesment (måling)_FINAL 22-01-2019.pdf 1,52 MB
Kommunikationsstrategi for Greater Copenhagen 170519.pdf 181 KB
GreaterCph_strategisk_briefing 2016.pdf 1,33 MB

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