Brøggers Hus is being renovated and all the exhibitions are, thus, to be renewed. A total of six new permanent exhibitions and a crystal hole will replace the current public offer. The aim of the tender competition is to enter into a contract with a main supplier who will have the full responsibility for the development, design, engineering and install all of the exhibitions stated below:
— the development of life,
— the development of humans,
— meteorite exhibition,
— the history of minerals and rocks,
— the history of the North Sea and Jura,
— the history of our dynamic earth,
— the crystal hole.
The chosen tenderer must work within the existing conceptual design plans. Sub-suppliers can be used as agreed with UiO, but the chosen tenderer must commit themselves to being the main supplier, so that UiO only depends on the main supplier. See the tender documentation for descriptions and details.