Call for tender under the "SQS" – Category 3 – Onshore Gas Pipeline – Gas Transmission Pipeline – Baltic Pipe – Jutland and Funen – Consultancy Services


06 - Kontraktstildeling - forsyningssektoren
Konkurranse med forhandling
22.03.2019 10.51 (GMT+01:00)


Energinet TSO Gas A/S Energinet TSO Gas A/S
Helle Junge Barløse Helle Barløse
Tonne Kjærsvej 65
7000 Fredericia


The Baltic Pipe project will facilitate transportation of Norwegian gas to Poland via Denmark. The current scope of services cover the engineering services of three new pipeline sections from L/V Blaabjerg (BP) to Nybro II, Egtved to Stenderup and Sventrup to Nyborg, where the pipeline needs a hook up to the existing pipeline crossing Storebælt. The services cover: — Design of the pipeline including L/V and scraper stations, — Project cost (CAPEX), — Assistance concerning procurement of materials (MTO, specifications and data sheets), — Preparation of technical tender documents for construction, — Support Energinet during the tender process (option), — Engineering follow up and support to the construction management during pipeline construction (option).

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