Confocal Microscope with High FRAP


03 - Kontraktstildeling
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
12.03.2019 09.36 (GMT+01:00)


Universitetet i Oslo Universitetet i Oslo
Petter Ruden Petter Ruden
Postboks 1078 Blindern
0315 Oslo
971 035 854


An invitation to tender for the procurement of an advanced multi-line confocal microscope equipped with an independent scanner for high speed FRAP, including an option for taking pictures at the same time as bleaching the fluorophores. Moreover, several bleaching lasers, preferably wavelengths of 405, 488, and 560 are also required as well as option for an improved resolution, better than diffraction limited microscopy. A 3 year service agreement must be included in the tender.

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