Jahnebakken 3 and Allégaten 70 (the Climate Research Cluster)


02 - Kunngjøring
Konkurranse med forhandling
06.03.2019 09.33 (GMT+01:00)
08.04.2019 13.00


Universitetet I Bergen Universitetet I Bergen
Siri Knapskog Siri Knapskog
Pb 7800
5020 Bergen
874 789 542

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Kort beskrivelse

The University of Bergen wants to enter into a turnkey contract for renovation works for the buildings in Allégaten 70 — “Geofysen” (A70) and Jahnebakken 3 (J3). The renovation works shall be executed in connection with the establishment of a Climate Research Cluster. The contract includes complete renovation works for building J3 and reconstruction works for sections of building A70, the establishment of a new technical room between J3 and A70, measures for the current outdoor area, adjustment of terrain, as well as revitalisation of the garden facility with direct entrances to the basement in the new facilities.

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