Framework Agreement Electrical Installation Works


03 - Kontraktstildeling
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
26.02.2019 09.36 (GMT+01:00)


Oslo kommune v/ Undervisningsbygg Oslo KF Oslo kommune v/ Undervisningsbygg Oslo KF
Eivind Dahl Thoresen
Postboks 6473 Etterstad
0605 Oslo
984 070 659


The municipal undertaking for educational buildings and property shall enter into 3-5 parallel Framework Agreements for electrical installation works. The Framework Agreement applies to improvement works, planned maintenance works and smaller renovation projects that the municipal undertaking for educational buildings and property performs while the school is in operation. The Framework Agreement is limited in area to the municipal undertaking for educational buildings and property's properties, primarily in Oslo. The Framework Agreement generally doesn't include works in connection with projects where electrical installation works are carried out as part of a large partial renovation or total renovation project. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to use the Framework Agreement in such projects where this is appropriate. The Framework Agreement period is 2 years, with an option for the Contracting Authority for extending the contract for 1 year + 1 year on verbatim terms.

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