Piedāvājumu iesniegšanas termiņš ir beidzies.
The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) envisages awarding a low-value contract for the delivery of office chairs.
EIGE is intending to replace existing office chairs with new, more ergonomic units. The contractor will have to deliver new office chairs to EIGE and take the old ones for recycling. The estimated amount is 50 chairs.
All parties interested in providing the services described above should express their interest 400 words maximum, by e-mail, to procurement@eige.europa.eu with the subject reference: EIGE/2O18/ADM/17, by the fifteenth day from the publication date of this notice.
Piesakieties Mercell un saņemiet paziņojumus par jaunākajiem iepirkumiem sev svarīgajās nozarēs 7 dienas bez maksas!