18/01060 — Procurement of design / engineering design of a new coastal research vessel


Atklāts konkurss
17.04.2018 10:25 (GMT+03:00)
31.05.2018 12:00


Havforskningsinstituttet Havforskningsinstituttet
Dan Inge Mjelde Dan Inge Mjelde
Postboks 1870 Nordnes
5817 Bergen

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The background for this procurement is that the government has decided to allocate money to the design and construction of a new coastal research vessel in the national budget for 2017/2018. This is part of the follow up of Havforsknings instituttets [the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research’s] report nº 17/2015 — Review of.

The Norwegian Institute of Marine Research’s future infrastructure need for the collection of marine data, where the need for a new coastal research vessel is highlighted as one of the needs.

The Norwegian Institute of Marine Research has received the task of initiating and implementing the procurement of a new coastal research vessel.

It has been decided that the procurement of a new coastal research vessel shall be divided into 2 procurements, 1 procurement for design (design contract) and 1 procurement for construction, equipping, testing and delivery of the vessel (Ship Building Contract). This procurement comprises only procurement of design / engineering design of a new coastal research vessel.

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