The Museum of Forest Finn Culture in Norway


Atklāts konkurss
09.02.2018 10:20 (GMT+02:00)


Stiftelsen norsk skogfinsk museum Stiftelsen norsk skogfinsk museum
Gisle Nataas
Furubergsvegen 42
2256 Grue Finnskog
990 366 128

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Stiftelsen norsk skogfinsk museum 990 366 128 Furubergsvegen 42 Grue Finnskog 2256 Gisle Nataas The Museum of Forest Finn Culture in Norway 424 An museum building for the Forest Finn Culture in Norway. The Museum of Forest Finn Culture in Norway is a museum with large collections that documents the history and the culture of the national minority of forest Finns in Norway. The museum has until now had offices and parts of the collections in old, small and temporary premises. The museum is now in the process of planning the new building. This is design contest on how the building shall be designed and on how rooms and functions can be organised. The building site is situated near Rotna River, with approach from the west side to Svullrya in Grue Finnskog, close to county road 201. The Contracting Authority aims at designing a museum building that will be very attractive to those considering themselves at forest Finns, the general population, foreign tourists, researchers and organisations working with forest Finn culture in Norway. The evaluation criteria are stated in the tender programme. 2017/S 166-342899 2018-01-22 200 Filip Lipinski med flere København 500000.00 Stiftelsen Norsk Skogfinsk Museum Furubergsvegen 42 Grue Finnskog NO-2256 See the competition programme. 2018-02-08

See tender at TED:

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