Piedāvājumu iesniegšanas termiņš ir beidzies.
The objective of the contract is to cover Ringsaker municipality's requirements for products for the product areas cleaning, paper and plastic supplies as well as professional updating through arranging courses, special subject days and professional counselling. The cleaning service and food production departments are the largest units included in this agreement. The estimated procurement value during the agreement period: NOK 9 000 000 and NOK 10 000 000. The Contracting Authority does not pledge a specified volume, as changes in the need, budget and procedures may affect the total volume. A framework agreement shall be signed for two years (the basic period). The contracting authority has a unilateral right to extend the contract by 1 + 1 year. Expected date of initiation: 1.11.2018. Number of suppliers: one (1) full-range supplier.
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