Forsvarets Substance Register [The Norwegian Armed Forces, Substance Register].


Award of a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union
26.01.2017 10:39 (GMT+02:00)


Forsvarets logistikkorganisasjon (FLO) Forsvarets logistikkorganisasjon (FLO)
Axel Cappelen
Postboks 800, Postmottak
2617 Lillehammer
986 105 174

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Forsvarets logistikkorganisasjon (FLO) 986 105 174 Postboks 800, Postmottak Lillehammer 2617 Axel Cappelen +47 63808115 Forsvarets Substance Register [The Norwegian Armed Forces, Substance Register]. 2016031894 The Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation, on behalf of The Norwegian Defence's Laboratory Services, intends to enter into a contract for a framework agreement on a substance register. 3200000.00 The Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation, on behalf of The Norwegian Defence's Laboratory Services, intends to procure a framework agreement for a substance register. This is to uphold laws and regulations imposed upon The Norwegian Armed Forces to maintain an overview of which chemicals and substances The Norwegian Armed Forces has at any given time. Initially the contract will apply for two years, with an option to extends for a further two years, with the maximum duration being four years altogether. In this particular circumstance, there is a one supplier situation in accordance to the regulations on public procurements § 13-4 letter b, point 2. Transferring all information that the Contracting Authority currently has to another system involves a quantity of work that the Contracting Authority does not have the resources to undertake. If the work should be undertaken by a tenderer, this will also require participation from the Contracting Authority's side for which there is currently insufficient resources. The work involves transferring of i.a. Nearly 10 000 SDS and over 300 000 connections in the system and The Contracting Authority at FOLAT must be very involved in this work, as there is currently no automated process (transferring key) for such transfers. The work also involves training of approx. 500 users, training that must have been undertaken under the supervision of FOLAT, for which there are also no resources available in light of the other work. With regard to the quantity of work involved in transferring to another system, and the input required from the Contracting Authority, there is high risk that the Contracting Authority is in danger of non conformance with the legislation that requires the Contracting Authority to have a substance registered system at all times. The technical conditions and lack of a transfer key at the same time as the change of service provider therefore favours the selected supplier, cf. regulation about public procurements § 13-4 letter b, point 2. Furthermore, the Contracting Authority has developed special systems with selected suppliers for connections between catalogues and the substance register, that the Contracting Authority wishes to retain and continue with. These technical aspects therefore require a selected supplier, cf. the regulations on public procurements § 13-4 letter b, point 2. Ultimately, the Contracting Authority is of the opinion that the selected supplier is the only supplier in the market who can fulfil the security requirements set for the supplier of this type of goods/services. The security requirements have been developed over time and are tailored to the selected supplier that has implemented them in their business. The Contracting Authority is of the understanding that it is not likely that other businesses have implemented the same measures in their business, and therefore would not be able to fulfil the security requirements. For security reasons, these security requirements cannot be published with this notice, but they can be sent to any interested parties on request. This also favours the selected supplier, cf. regulation on public procurements § 13-4 letter b, point 2. Forsvarets Substance Register [The Norwegian Armed Forces, Substance Register]. 2017-01-10 EcoOnline AS 982 263 700 Trudvangveien 77 Tønsberg 3117 3200000.00 Forsvarets Logistikkorganisasjon Kjeller 2017-01-24

See tender at TED:

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