Infra-red Camera.


Atklāts konkurss
19.10.2016 10:34 (GMT+03:00)
04.11.2016 12:00


NTNU (The Norwegian University of Science and Technology) NTNU (The Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Trude Riksheim
Jonsvannsveien 82
7491 Trondheim
974 767 880

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A high-resolution infra-red camera for expanding the existing, and open new research programs for fatigue and fractures in advanced materials by using in-situ techniques. The camera will be used in combinations with other very sensitive observation techniques during dynamic testing in a frequency area from 0.1 to 10 Hz.

The Department of Engineering Design and Materials conducts competitive research on self-financed and external financed basis. The equipment at NTNU, the Department of Engineering Design and Materials must therefore be the best up-to-date equipment on the market.

See the technical specification in annex 1 for further information.

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