Purchase of the raster scanning magnets for the ESS project.


Atklāts konkurss
23.03.2016 10:45 (GMT+02:00)
25.04.2016 14:00


Aarhus Universitet Aarhus Universitet
Lasse Krongaard Lasse Krongaard
Fuglesangs Allé 26
8210 Aarhus V

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A green field accelerator-based research facility is currently under construction in the vicinity of Lund, Sweden, and to be operational by the end of the current decade.

The European Spallation Source (‘ESS’) has been designed and will be constructed in collaboration with a number of existing European research facilities. The Contracting Authority has thus led a work package on the beam delivery system that brings the intense proton beam from the accelerator to the spallation neutron target. The transport line relies on a critical system of fast transverse raster scanning magnets (‘RSMs’) to dilute the beam on the spallation target. This raster system includes:

1. 8 raster magnets: 4 acting in each transverse direction;

2. 8 power supplies, i.e. individual powering of the RSMs;

3. Ceramic vacuum chambers;

4. Equipment to verify the proper performance of the system and generate an interlock signal;

5. Mechanical support and alignment tools.

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