Framework agreement for the production and dissemination of job advertisements.


Atklāts konkurss
22.04.2015 11:16 (GMT+03:00)
29.05.2015 12:00


Helsedirektoratet Helsedirektoratet
Procurement, operation and contract management Procurement, operation and contract management
Ingrid Køhler Knutsen Ingrid Køhler Knutsen
Universitetsgata 2
0130 Oslo
983 544 622

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The Norwegian Directorate of Health would like to enter into a contract with a service provider who can assist with competence and consultancy services within the following services/professions:

— Production and dissemination of job advertisements.

— Media consultancy services for job advertisements.

The Norwegian Directorate of Health currently has a framework agreement with MediaPlus that expires in June 2015.

The procurement process is covered by the Public Procurement Act, 1.7.1999 no. 69 (LOA) and the Regulations on public procurements (FOA) dated 7.4.2006 (FOA).

Parts I and III of the regulations apply for this procurement.

This procurement follows the procedure for an open tender contest. This is a procurement procedure that does not allow negotiations.

The Norwegian Directorate of Health is a specialist director and an administrative body under the Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD). The Directorate is managed by HOD and the assignments are described in the national budget, award letter and in individual assignments. The Norwegian Directorate of Health is divided into divisions and departments. This procurement is anchored in the Personnel and Wages Department, which is in the Administration Division. The department's main aim is to contribute to the directorate having unified and future orientated personnel and wage policies, efficient and correct wages administration and competent and service orientated personnel management. The department shall, amongst other things, ensure efficient and service orientated recruitment. It is this department that is responsible for the administration of the contract. The Procurement, Operation and Contract Management Department is responsible for the procurement process. The Norwegian Directorate of Health's vision is Good Health and Good Life. For further information see, The National Knowledge Centre for the Health Service (the Knowledge Centre), the Government Authorisation Office of Health Personnel (SAK) and the Patient and User Ombudsman (POBO) as underlying departments to the Norwegian Directorate of Health shall also be able to make call-offs on the contract. The Health Administration (HELFO), which is an outer department under the Norwegian Directorate of Health, shall also be able to use the contracts. The Norwegian Directorate of Health will enter into the contract(s) on behalf of the above mentioned departments. The Norwegian Directorate of Health and the mentioned departments shall be able to make call-offs/place orders separately. A review of the organisation in health administration shall be undertaken in 2015 with a view to simplifying the process and making it more efficient. This can lead to changes in the organisation of the underlying departments and the ICT area in the current Norwegian Directorate of Health. The contracts that are signed must therefore be applicable to departments and entities that are added and/or separated from the Norwegian Directorate of Health in the contract period. Furthermore, entities that are separated must be able to leave the contract on the desired date in the contract period.

Name - responsible person for the procurement:

Ingrid Køhler Knutsen

Telephone number: +47 24163891

Email address:

All communication between the tenderer and the contracting authority shall be directed to the contracting authority's contact person via the Question and Answer function in our electronic tender system.

All questions and answers will be made accessible in anonymous form for all of the tenderers.

Enquiries received later than 5 working days before the tender deadline will not be answered.

The Norwegian Directorate of Health would like to enter into a contract with a service provider who can assist with competence and consultancy services within the following services/disciplines: — Production and dissemination of job advertisements.

— Media consultancy services for job advertisements. The Norwegian Directorate of Health currently has a framework agreement with MediaPlus that expires in June 2015.

The competition is announced in the DOFFIN database — see and in the TED database.


Weeks 23-24

The procurement shall be regulated by the contract terms with the accompanying annexes.

HSE self-declaration

Qualification requirement: Service providers must vouch for the fact that the company works systematically to comply with health, environment and safety legislation and satisfies the Internal Control Regulations. The tenderer must also confirm that the company is legally organised in relation to applicable tax and working environment regulations for employees' professional and social rights, and shall accept that the contracting authority has the right to review and verify the company's system for safeguarding of health, environment and safety.

Documentation: A dated HSE self-declaration signed by the manager and a representative for the employees. The form is attached to the tender documentation.

Company Registration Certificate.

Requirement: The tenderer shall be a legally established company.

Documentation requirement: For Norwegian service providers: Company registration certificate from the Brønnøysund Registre Centre. For foreign companies: Proof that the company is registered in a trade or business register as prescribed by the law of the country where the service provider is established.

Credit rating/annual accounts

Requirement: The tenderer shall have sufficient economic and financial capacity to carry out the assignment/contract.

Documentation requirement: Credit evaluation/rating, not older than 12 months, based on the last known accounting figures. The rating shall be carried out by an officially certified credit rating institution. Minimum requirement - the service provider shall be credit worthy.

Implementation ability and capacity.

Requirement: The tenderer shall have sufficient implementation ability and capacity.

If a service provider plans to leave parts of the contract to sub suppliers, a short description shall be provided of the sub suppliers and which part/parts of the assignment the sub suppliers shall carry out. Service providers must document that they have the right to use the necessary resources. There are the same requirements for sub suppliers as for the main service provider. The contracting authority reserves the right to disallow the choice of sub suppliers. Any financial requirements from sub suppliers or costs connected to this shall be borne by the supplier.

As the tender system does not support signing tenders with an electronic certificate, it is a prerequisite that the service provider prints out a tender confirmation to confirm their tender.

Service providers must declare that all the terms stated in the tender documentation are accepted.

Print out the tender confirmation letter, signed by an authorised person and enclose it as a pdf-document in the tender.

The tender shall be submitted through the electronic tender system.

Note that TendSign is open for support on weekdays 8:00-17:00.

Contact information for customer service:, Tel. +47 40006814.

The tender makes up the service provider's reply to the questions and requirements for the tender that are stated in the tender documentation with any attached documents in addition to those required in the tender documents. In order to get an overview of what parts shall be answered, service providers can download the report ‘All documents’ under Structured documents on the page ‘Download the procurement's tender documentation’.

Service providers shall not fill in the annexes to the standard contract terms that are attached as ‘Attached documents’ in the system. These are only attached to show the contract structure that will be used for the design of the final contract.

Tenders cannot be submitted for parts of the assignment.

All deviations from the tender documentation shall be precise, unambiguous and clearly stated in the tender so that the contracting authority can assess them without contacting the service provider, cf. FOA § 20-3.

Service providers cannot submit tenders that include significant deviations from the specifications in the notice or the tender documentation,cf. FOA § 20-13 (1) letter e. If a tender includes deviations that, when seen in isolation, are not significant, the deviations can, after a concrete assessment, be seen in total as significant.

Any reservations shall be specified below. Reservations that are stated other places in the tender, but which are not specified in the tender letter, cannot be made applicable by the service provider and will not be considered when the tenders are evaluated.

Service providesrs cannot have significant reservations to the contract terms cf. FOA § 20-13 (1) letter d. If a service provider has reservations that, when seen in isolation, are not significant, the reservations can, after a concrete assessment, be seen in total as significant.

The service provider's pricing of the tender is stated in the tender documentation part 2 Specifications and Award Criteria. The payment and invoicing terms are in the contract terms.

The contracting authority shall, in accordance with the FOA § 20-12 (1) reject service providers that, amongst other things: a) do not fulfil the requirements set for the service provider's participation in the competition.

b) have not presented tax certificates

c) have not presented a HSE self-declaration

The contracting authority can reject service providers if the terms in the FOA § 20-12 (2) apply.

The contracting authority shall, in accordance with the FOA § 20-13 (1) reject the tender when, amongst other things: a) it is not submitted by the set tender deadline

b) it includes significant deviations from the tender documentation

c) it includes significant reservations to the contract terms

The contracting authority can reject tenders if the terms in the FOA § 20-13 (2) apply.

The award will be on the basis of which tender is the most economically advantageous, based on the criteria described in the specifications and the weighting model described below.

Relative weighting

The relative weighting model is built on one comparing the tenders for each individual award criterium.

The economically most advantageous tender/tenders will be chosen by the contracting authority stating the price criterium and quality criterium and weighting these against each other. Points will be awarded for each of the award criteria when the tenders are evaluated. The points scale goes from 0 to 10 points. The lowest price will get maximum points, whilst the other prices will be awarded points in relation to the lowest tender price. The best tender in each quality criterium will be awarded maximum points equivalently. The points that are awarded for each criterium will be weighted with the weight value stated in the tender documentation. The weighted points for each criterium will be summed to a points sum. The tender that has the highest points sum is the best tender.

The contracting authority reserves the right to cancel the competition if there is a justifiable reason, cf. FOA §21-1 (1).

A justifiable reason can typically be a lack of competition, unexpected changes in grants etc.

The contracting authority can reject all the tenders if the result of the competition gives a justifiable reason, cf. FOA § 21-1 (2)

In addition to the notification given upon the award of contract, the contracting authority shall give written notification with a short justification if:

— the tender is rejected or the contracting authority decides to reject all the tenders or cancel the competition.

Service providers can request in writing further justification for:

— why the tender was rejected or

— why the tender was not chosen

The contracting authority is obligated to reply to this enquiry at the latest 15 days after the enquiry has been received.

As regards the general public's insight into the tender and the procurement protocol, the legislation dated 19.5.2006 no. 16 on the right to insight in documents in public entities applies. Tenders and protocols are screened in accordance with the public law § 23 3rd section up until the choice of service provider. After a service provider has been selected, the confidential information is exempted in accordance with the Administration Act § 13 cf. the regulations

LOA § 3-6.

The chosen service provider will be asked, upon the award of contract, to assess and mark the text and information in the tender on operational and business conditions that ought to be kept secret for competitive reasons. The contracting authority has, however, the right and a duty to assess whether the information can be kept secret as regards the public law in accordance with the Administration Act § 13, cf. the regulations LOA § 3-6.

The Norwegian Directorate of Health would like to enter into a contract with a service provider who can assist with competence and consultancy services within the following services/professions:

— Production and dissemination of job advertisements.

— Media consultancy services for job advertisements. The aim of the framework agreement is to save administrative work for the contracting authority for job advertisements and to achieve cost savings resulting from the media agency's discount contracts. The Norwegian Directorate of Health would like to enter into a contract with a service provider who knows the trends in the market and who is future orientated with a focus on electronic media/digital surfaces. Service providers must have a proactive and "future orientated" attitude as regards giving advice on how the contracting authority can reach as many people as possible in the right target group(s).

Important target groups are persons with higher education and competence within, amongst other things, management health/medicine, ICT, law, project management etc. The service provider shall contribte to the contracting authority's resources being used in the most efficient way. This means, amongst other things, that the service provider shall continually negotiate with media during the contract period on discounts and contribute in other ways to getting the lowest possible costs.

Functional requirements for the delivery:

Administrative requirement:

Service providers shall in addition to confirming the requirements for the delivery in points 2.2.4 and 2.2.5, describe their tender based on the following elements:

A document is to be enclosed here that responds to the elements connected to quality assurance and consultancy services, cf. point 2.3

Service providers shall fill in the attached price form and enclose it as an annex to the tender. The tenders will here be assessed as regards the prices in the price form and the pricing of the advertisement examples.

Service providers are responsible for providing the services in accordance with the routines and deadlines stated in annex 1 and annex 2.

Service providers shall immediately inform the contracting authority in writing if there is a reason to expect that the deadlines cannot be met.

Property rights, copyright and other relevant material and immaterial rights resulting from services that the service provider performs in accordance with the contract accrue to the contracting authority, with the restrictions resulting from mandatory law.

The rights also include the right to change and further assignment, cf. the Copyright Act § 39 b.

To the extent that it does not go against the contract provisions on loyalty and client confidentiality, each party can freely use the know-how that the party has acquired from the implementation of the contract.

Unless otherwise stated in the contract, or agreed in another way, the service provider maintains the rights to their tools and method basis. Such material cannot be used contrary to the contract's provisions on loyalty and client confidentiality.

The service provider is responsible for ensuring that the services are carried out by personnel who have the competence stated in the service provider's description of the system in annex 2.

The service provider is obligated to replace personnel with persons who have equivalent professional competence. Any costs incurred in providing new personnel with the know-how required to make the person in question operative at an equivalent level to the person who is being replaced shall be covered by the service provider.

Amendments in the contract shall be made in writing and signed by authorised persons. All amendments shall be enclosed with the contract. An overview shall be kept of the amendments that are agreed in Annex 5.

The service provider shall be the contracting authority's cooperation partner and give the contracting authority the highest priority.

Services shall be performed in accordance with the contract, they shall be performed professionally, efficiently and with a high professional standard. The service provider is to guarantee that the services will be carried out with sufficient qualitative and quantitative resources and competence, based on the requirements in the contract. The service provider shall always try to propose solutions that will increase the value and use of the services at the contracting authority.

The contracting authority shall be given the option to check the service provider's work and check that the stated standards, methods etc. are followed.

Enquiries from the contracting authority shall be answered without undue delay.

The service provider shall, without undue delay, give notification of conditions that the service provider understands or ought to understand could be of importance for carrying out the service, including any expected delays. The service provider is obligated to inform the contracting authority of changes in their ownership structure, mergers, demergers etc.

The service provider is responsible for ensuring that the personnel carry out the services as defined in the contract, in a professionally sound, professional and satisfactory way at the agreed item.

The service provider is always responsible for ensuring that the proposed personnel have the necessary competence for the agreed service for the contracting authority.

If the service provider engages sub suppliers to carry out services resulting from this contract, the service provider is fully responsible for the execution of these services in the same way as if the service provider had carried them out himself.

All interaction on questions connected to the contract shall only be carried out between the service provider and the contracting authority, unless the parties agree otherwise.

The service provider's use and replacement of sub suppliers shall be approved in writing by the contracting authority. Approval can be refused without a justifiable reason.

The service provider is obligated to cooperate with a third party nominated by the contracting authority to the degree that the contracting authority finds it necessary for the execution of the service. The contracting authority shall, as far as practically possible, state the need for such cooperation in the call-off/order. The service provider is obligated in such cases to have an independent position and act in consultation with the contracting authority.

The service provider is exempt from the duties mentioned in the first paragraph if he substantiates that such cooperation will be a significant disadvantage to his existing sub suppliers or other business connections.

The contracting authority shall contribute to the implementation of the contract.

The contracting authority shall, without undue delay, give notification of conditions that the contracting authority understands or ought to understand that can be of importance for the implementation of the agreed services, including any expected delays.

Both parties shall see to proper communication, storage and back-up copies of documents and other material of importance for the services regardless of form, including e-mails and other electronically stored material.

The service provider carries the risk and responsibility for all material regardless of form, which is damaged or destroyed whilst it is under the service provider's control.

The contracting authority manages the joint resources and is responsible for obtaining supplies and services that are produced in a legal and ethically responsible way.

The service provider is required to comply with the contracting authority's ethical and social requirements in its company, and to work to ensure the compliance of the sub suppliers that are involved in the implementation of this contract.

The contracting authority, or an authorised person, has the right to carry out announced or unannounced checks at the production site during the contract period. In the event of checks, the service provider is obligated to state the name and contact information on sub suppliers.

In the event of contract follow-up, or in the event of any suspicions of breach of contract, the service provider is responsible for all documentation.

(ILO-conventions nos. 100 and 111)

There shall not be any form of discrimination at work based on ethnicity, religion, age, disability, gender, marriage status, sexual orientation, trade union membership or political beliefs.

(ILO-convention nos. 87 and 98)

The service provider's employees shall, without exception, have the right to join or establish trade unions as they see fit, and to negotiate collectively.

If these rights are limited or under development, the service provider shall assist the employees in meeting the management to discuss wage and work terms without this having negative consequences for the employees.

The service provider shall ensure that employees in their own organisation and the employees of any sub-suppliers do not have other wages and working conditions than those required by collective agreements, regulations or that which is normal for the location and occupation. This also applies to employees who are directly involved in the fulfilment of the service provider's obligations for this contract.

All contracts that the service provider signs and that involve work as in this contract shall include equivalent obligations.

Price and payment terms are stated in Annex 3.

The prices shall be fixed in the contract period and are to include all direct or indirect expenses and duties that can be incurred during the provision of the services.

Payment shall be made within 30 days after receipt of an invoice. The contracting authority has the right to withhold invoices that include errors or for which the agreed documentation is not enclosed, until this has been corrected by the service provider. There must not be any fees.

The service provider's invoices shall be specified and documented so that they can be checked by the contracting authority.

Invoices without a order reference or which are sent to the wrong invoice address will be returned to the service provider.

The service provider shall submit electronic invoices to the Direktoratet for Økonomistyring's (DFØ) invoice centre in ‘Electronic trade format’ (EHF), set by the Fornyings-, administrasjons- og kirkedepartementet.

The submission of electronic invoices shall always be made by DFØ's chosen communication method. If the communication method changes, the service provider will be notified six months before necessary changes occur.

The service provider must incur any costs for the submission on electronic invoices.

Electronic invoices are to be addressed to the Norwegian Directorate of Health and sent to DFØ in EHF format with the address 983544622.

Two reference fields shall be filled in:

Your ref. / order reference, insert 1220XXX

(1220=Norwegian Directorate of Health, XXX=initials of the ordering department's invoice recipient)

Invoice/ContractDocumentReference/ID are ref. no. is to be filled in here xx/xxxx

The service provider's invoices shall be specified and documented so that the contracting authority can easily check the invoice in relation to the agreed payment.

Unless otherwise agreed, the contracting authority can demand day fines if the delivery is delayed in accordance with point

An automatic day fine of 0.2 % of the agreed remuneration without VAT will accrue for the part of the delivery that is delayed for each calender day of the delay. The day fine can, however, not be less than 1 000 NOK per calendar day.

The day fine shall altogether not make up more than 10 % of the remuneration for the entire contract without VAT. The total period of the day fine is the day fine period.

If the contract comprises several deliveries and a delayed individual delivery means that the contracting authority cannot make use of the total delivery, the day fine will be 0.2 % of the total remuneration for the entire contract without VAT.

Compensation for indirect losses cannot be demanded. Lost profit, lost turnover and lost expected savings are seen as indirect losses.

The compensation is limited to an amount that is equivalent to the contract sum excluding VAT, per type of breach.

If the service provider or someone he is responsible for has acted will fully or with gross negligence the above mentioned compensation limitations do not apply. The contracting authority can demand compensation for direct or indirect losses instead of a day fine.

If the contracting authority does not pay by the agreed date, the service provider has the right to interest in accordance with the law on interest and delayed payments (Default Interest Act) dated 19.12.1976 no. 100 for the amount that is due for payment.

Annulment cannot be made if the contracting authority pays the due remuneration with the addition of the default interest by the deadline.

Fill in the information below, print it out and sign the document. The document is to be scanned and enclosed with the tender.

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