Framework agreement; snow removal and sanding.


Atklāts konkurss
15.11.2014 05:32 (GMT+02:00)


Skedsmo kommune Eiendomsavdelingen938 275 130 Skedsmo kommune Eiendomsavdelingen938 275 130
Kjell Haugen
Rådhuset, Jonas Lies gate 14
2001 Lillestrøm

Lai saņemtu informāciju par iepirkumiem e-pastā, piesakieties, spiežot uz "Saņemt iepirkumu informāciju" lapas lejasdaļā!

Skedsmo kommune shall enter into an agreement regarding snow removal and sanding of municipal properties in Skedsmo kommune. The Contractor shall ensure that Skedsmo kommunes properties at any time are cleared of snow and available for users and visitors.

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: 1

Lot No: 1 - Lot title: Snow removal agreement

V.1) Date of contract award decision:


V.2) Information about offers

Number of offers received: 4

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

Jens Kristian Hauglid974 481 294, Gudleivs vei 107, 2015 Leirsund, NORWAY

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