The contract is mainly for 'Bureau services within communication and profiling' and any other sporadic procurements for the specialist health service in Helse Midt-Norge.
The estimated contract sum is NOK 4 000 000 including VAT. (Applies to the Contract Duration + Option Duration).
The stipulated contract sum is not binding on the contracting authority, and may not form the basis for any claim against the contracting authority.
Section V: Award of contract
Lot title: Case 2013/260 — Bureau services within communication and profiling
V.1) Date of contract award decision:
V.2) Information about offers
Number of offers received by electronic means: 10
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
Telephone: Fax: Burson-Marsteller AS, Kirkegt.17, 0153 OSLO, NORWAY +47 23164500 +47 23164501