New internet platform for Visitnorway.


Sarunu procedūra
24.04.2014 05:29 (GMT+03:00)
21.05.2014 12:00


Innovasjon Norge986399445 Innovasjon Norge986399445
Hans Petter Aalmo
Akersgata 13
0158 Oslo

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The award winning website is Norway's largest tourism portal and the most important channel in marketing Norway as a holiday destination is available in 14 languages that cover the following markets: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, UK, Holland, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Russia, USA, Brazil, Japan, China , Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and India

Tourists shall be able to find information on the whole of Norway on The portal shall make it easy to explore Norway as a destination, search for products, destinations and order holidays to Norway.

The content on VisitNorway has high creditability and a high number of visitors. We are constantly working on further developing the site. There are applications for iPhone and Android and the website is adapted to mobile viewing with responsive design.

Innovasjon Norge now plan to move the focus and resources from technical development, operation and maintenance to content and marketing activities on

Innovasjon Norge will therefore change the technical platform from an adapted backend to a standard Destination Management System or a Content Management System - specially designed for the tourism industry. All integrations, operation, further development and harvesting will be included in this tender. The software and accompanying data shall be available as “Software as a Service“ and distributed worldwide via Content Delivery Networks or similar - for quick user access.

Innovasjon Norge will emphasis the importance of compliance with all guidelines on personal security and data security in all the markets that operates in. It will, therefore, be a prerequisite for the contract being signed, and during the contract period, that the service provider and its sub supplier's services comply with the current Norwegian and EU data protection and personal security rules and regulations - and possibly the relevant data protection and personal security rules and regulations in other markets that Innovasjon Norge promotes its activities in through

Innovasjon Norge shall, during the negotiation phase and after signing a contract, have access to all parts of the service provider's systems so that they can always check that all the guidelines within personal security and data security are complied with. Breaches of rules connected to personal security and data protection will be seen as a significant breach of contract which gives Innovasjon Norge the right to end the ongoing negotiations or end the contractual relationship with immediate effect.

The qualification documents for the negotiated procedure in 2 stages in accordance with the regulations part I and part III are attached (for procurements with a value above the EEA threshold).

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