U.15.C Tables and chairs.


Atklāts konkurss
09.11.2013 05:35 (GMT+02:00)
16.12.2013 15:30
16.12.2013 23:59


Nordlandssykehuset HF Senter for Utbygging Nordlandssykehuset HF Senter for Utbygging
Kay-Arne Hansen
Gamle Riksveg 1
8092 Bodø

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This notice is for a tender competition for Nordlandssykehuset HF, c/o the Development Centre. Most of this tender competition is for equipment for phase 2 of the project at Bodø hospital, as well as for the new hospital in Vesterålen. In addition some of the procurements will also be for the hospital in Lofoten.

The competition is for the procurement of examination table, work chairs, examination and resting chairs, as well as phlebotomy chairs. Framework agreements shall be signed for, amongst other things, work chairs and examination tables, whilst other deliveries shall be procured as 1.

All communication between suppliers and the awarding authority on this tender shall go through Mercell Sourcing Service in order to ensure good documentation of the entire procurement procedure.

The awarding authority uses Mercell Sourcing Service. In order to register your interest, and get accses to any documents you have to click on the link below or copy and paste it into your internet browser.

http://permalink.mercell.com/41691394.aspx Then follow the instructions on the website.

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