Ældrecenter Lergården v/ Kolstrupboligforening afd. 29, Lergård, For the attention of: Torben Lindbæk-Larsen, Lars Bo Steensbeck, Aabenraa, 6200, DENMARK
(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 30.5.2013, 2013/S 103-175367)
2013/S 124-211888
CPV:45000000, 45200000, 45210000, 45215213
Construction work
Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
Building construction work
Nursing home construction work
Incomplete procedureThe awarding procedure has been discontinuedThe contract may be the object of a re-publication
Other additional information
Prækvalifikation til fagentrepriseudbud på Ældrecenter Lergården annuleres hermed. Der indrykkes ny annonce med ændret opdeling af fagentrepriserne i august måned 2013.