Resource of Co-60 gamma cell 3.


Atklāts konkurss
10.01.2014 05:25 (GMT+02:00)


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Anker Engelundsvej 101, Bygning 101A
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

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Re-sourcing of MDS Nordion Gamma cell 220 Irradiator S/N 220R to achieve a total activity of 15 kCi (555 TBq) of Co-60 at date of delivery. This may be achieved by the addition, or replacement, of sources in existing Gamma cell, or by the supply of an exchange Gamma cell with new sources. If ap-plicable, separate quotations for each option should be included. Estimates of “downtime” sjould also be included.

Existing loading of Gamma cell 220 S/N 220R consists of 10 (ten) loaded MDS Nordion C-198 sources of total activity 12.3 kCi (455 TBq) in December 2006.

Re-sourced or replacement Gamma cell must have at least ten individual source rods with activity dis-tributed uniformly around the source cage. Each source to be “dumb-bell” loaded with equal activity in top and bottom third of rod. The middle third to be inactive spacer. The proposed source distribution must be included in the tender documents returned to DTU Nutech

Quotation to include preparation of Gamma cell for transport, obtaining of all required transport licences and re-installation of Gamma cell after return to DTU Nutech.

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: 13/07239

V.1) Date of contract award decision:


V.2) Information about offers

Number of offers received by electronic means: 2

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

Gamma Service Recycling GmbH, Bautzner Straße 67, 04347 Leipzig

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