Design services for residence renovation project in Mexico City


Slēgts konkurss
04.12.2024 18:11 (GMT+02:00)
15.06.2024 09:00 (GMT+03:00)


Ulkoministeriö Ulkoministeriö
Rosa Vanhanen Rosa Vanhanen
PL 176
00023 Valtioneuvosto

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The object of the procurement is the design services for the residence renovation of the Embassy of Finland in Mexico. The residence will be renovated completely. All technics, structures, surfaces and parts will be renovated or renewed, and the selected design service provider will do all needed planning, plans, drawings and details, and will be responsible for all needed building related permits and co-operation towards authorities as well as design updates during the construction and designer supervision of the work until the renovation is completed.

The work included in the design services are explained in more detail in the Request for Proposal documents.

The participation request documents are available from the e-mail address The title of the e-mail should be "MEX – RFP document request".

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