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Der skal købes et stk. bench-top single-molecule fluorescence spectrometer for smFRET and FCS anvendelser. Det er
vigtigt at det er netop dette apparat, da det er det eneste, der opfylder kravene til funktion, plads og
udviklingsmuligheder. Der skal tilkøbes en temperatur reguleringsenhed og der skal følge en servicekontrakt med, da
stabil drift af instrumentet er essentielt.
One piece must be purchased. Bench-top single-molecule fluorescence spectrometer for smFRET and FCS applications. It is
It is important that it is this particular appliance, as it is the only one that meets the requirements for function, space and
Development. A temperature control unit must be purchased and a service contract must be included, as
Stable operation of the instrument is essential.