Debt collection services


02 - Contract notice
Atklāts konkurss
14.07.2023 11:12 (GMT+03:00)
18.08.2023 12:00


Kongsvinger kommune Kongsvinger kommune
Karl Petter Kristiansen
Rådhusplassen 2
2212 Kongsvinger

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The contest concerns the delivery of debt collection services to the contracting authority named in section 1.1.1. For information, the municipality keeps accounts for some ICS. The deliveries under this agreement will apply to all entities and companies for which the municipalities keep accounts at any given time. Kongsvinger municipality currently invoices around 100,000 outgoing invoices per year, Sør-Odal 30,000 and Nord-Odal 24,000. The scope of the contract will depend on the number of receivables in collection at any given time. The municipalities are not invoiced for ongoing services related to debt collection. The tenderer will invoice debtors in accordance with the applicable rates in the debt collection regulations. See the procurement documents for further information.

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