Procurement of the management of trees in the Agency for Urban Environment’s management area (1) (1)


03 - Contract award notice
Atklāts konkurss
06.01.2023 10:21 (GMT+02:00)


Oslo kommune v/ Bymiljøetaten Oslo kommune v/ Bymiljøetaten
Carolina Høvik
Postboks 636 Løren
0507 Oslo

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Oslo municipality has assigned the Agency for Urban Environment the overall responsibility for management of trees The Agency for Urban Environment is Oslo municipality's professional authority for transport and mobility and is responsible for traffic safety, traffic management, the development of infrastructure for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorised transport, as well as the operation and maintenance of Oslo's municipal roads. The Agency for Urban Environment is responsible for improving accessibility for bicycles and collaborates with Ruter and Sporveien regarding the implementation of measures to improve accessibility for public transport. The contract has a critical role in this and shall contribute to the Agency for Urban Environment's vision of a safe, beautiful, environmentally friendly, and an active city is maintained. The Agency for Urban Environment shall be a leader in management of urban trees and the management of the City's trees shall be based on the best practice available and most recent research.

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