Purchase of biomethane for 2022


15.09.2022 14:22 (GMT+03:00)
23.09.2022 17:00 (GMT+03:00)
23.09.2022 17:00 (GMT+03:00)


SG Dujos UAB SG Dujos UAB
Vidas Korsakas Vidas Korsakas
J. Savickio g. 21
LT-01108 Vilnius

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Dear Supplier,
We would like to invite you to participate in our biomethane purchasing tender.
Requirements below:
1.    Volume: up to 13,500 MWh (offers with lower volumes are also welcome)
2.    Feedstock: Waste (from REDII Appendix IX eligible for double calorific value)
3.    Production year: 2022
4.    Production location: EU/UK
5.    Unsupported (statistical transfer required)
6.    ISCC/REDCERT certified
7.    With mass balancing, shipping to Germany VTP
8.    Please provide the lower bound calorific value of the gas in your offer
9.   Pricing: green value price + TTF front month index price for physical gas
Delivery schedule:
October 2022 - December 2022
Up to 4,500 MWh per month (flat)
Deadline for submission: Friday 23rd September 17:00
Feedback/Validity: Tuesday 27th September 17:00
About SG Dujos (more sgdujos.lt):
The main fields of activities of SG dujos is the development of infrastructure of compressed (CNG) and liquefied (LNG) natural gas, as well as the use and development of this environmentally friendly fuel in transport and industrial sectors of Lithuania.
SG dujos is a pioneer in application of compressed natural gas as fuel in the Lithuanian transport system, leader of the market and innovations, successfully developing its activities and significantly contributing to the promotion of alternative fuel in Lithuania.
If you have any technical questions about the Mercell system, please contact Customer Service Manager Giedrė Česnulevičienė, tel: +370 655 82875, e-mail: gice@mercell.com
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