4 Eddy Covariance Setup


03 - Contract award notice
Negotiated procedure without prior publication
27.07.2021 10:23 (GMT+03:00)


Aarhus Universitet Aarhus Universitet
Martin Winther Bolet
Nordre Ringgade 1
8000 Aarhus C

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Purchase of 4 Eddy covariance setups for onsite open path CO2 and CH4 flux measurement and processing. (LICOR Biosciences) will be used to increase our data and knowledge on exchange of greenhouse gases for different practice and management practices of organic soils. The LICOR setup (LI7500DS and LI7700, in combination with the SmartFlux system) is the only open path eddy covariance setup system available on the market offering high frequency CO2 and CH4 (10 Hz) measurements in combination with biometeorological sensors and on-site processing of the measured data, and being able to retrieve this data from the cloud.

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