Bifrost Spectrometer Vessel and Motion System


03 - Contract award notice
Atklāts konkurss
12.04.2021 10:21 (GMT+03:00)


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU
Alexi Burns-Tang Christian Vinther Torrendrup
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

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Introduction to the ESS Bifrost Project The European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS) is a large scale, multinational research facility being built in Lund, Sweden. Details about the project can be found under: The facility will host several neutron beamlines that are being constructed by in-kind partner institutes. The Technical University of Denmark is leading the design and construction of the BIFROST instrument, for which the components that are subject in this tender are designated. BIFROST will explore the intricate physics of magnetism and superconductivity, with applications in IT, energy materials of tomorrow, geoscience and functional materials. It will do this with neutron spectroscopy, the main tool for investigating low-energy dispersive dynamics in single crystals. More about the Bifrost instrument can be found at;

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