German Authority Persons (APs) Contract


02 - Contract notice
Slēgts konkurss
21.01.2020 10:29 (GMT+02:00)
18.02.2020 12:00


Femern Bælt A/S Femern Bælt A/S
Anne Bøgh Johansen Femern — Anne Bøgh Johansen
Vester Søgade 10
1601 København V

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In connection with the offshore construction activities of the Femern Belt Fixed Link project a Vessel Traffic Service, VTS Fehmarnbelt, will be established as a part of the risk control measures. The VTS operators at VTS Fehmarnbelt will be working in co-operation with the VTS operators at VTS Travemünde. VTS Travemünde is an existing VTS operated by the German authorities. As part of VTS Fehmarnbelt the work areas shall be guarded by guard vessels at all times. The guard vessels will be provided, operated and manned by a shipowner/service supplier engaged by Femern A/S. In addition to the normal crew, the guard vessels will have 2 representatives from the German and Danish maritime authorities (authority persons or APs) onboard (1 German and 1 Danish person). The winner of this tender/contract shall employ the German APs.

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