Use of Taxonomy Proficiency Tests in the Evaluation of Bids for the Norwegian Environment Agency's Freshwater Monitoring Programs


01 - Prior information notice
17.10.2019 10:43 (GMT+03:00)


Miljødirektoratet Miljødirektoratet
Gunnar Skotte Gunnar Skotte
PB 5672 Sluppen
7485 Trondheim

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During 2020, the Norwegian Environment Agency plans to announce public procurements for several freshwater monitoring programs, starting in 2020/21. When evaluating bids for the freshwater monitoring programs (ecosystem monitoring in freshwater, ecosystem monitoring in large lake, surveillance monitoring of reference rivers, The Norwegian river monitoring program and The monitoring program for limed salmon rivers), the participation in taxonomy proficiency tests will give higher score on the award criteria related to quality and competence. Since taxonomy proficiency tests for benthic invertebrates and crustaceans are rare, Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE) and Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) will on behalf of the Norwegian Environment Agency arrange such proficiency tests, starting in autumn 2019. The registration deadline for these proficiency tests is 11.11.2019. See the attached document for further description of the tests and information about how to register.

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