Information Meeting about the Upcomming Competition for a Case Management and Archiving Solution for Higher Education


01 - Prior information notice
06.09.2019 11:27 (GMT+03:00)


Universitetet i Oslo Universitetet i Oslo
Nina Røisland Nina Røisland
Postboks 1087 Blindern
NO-0317 Oslo
971 035 854

Lai saņemtu informāciju par iepirkumiem e-pastā, piesakieties, spiežot uz "Saņemt iepirkumu informāciju" lapas lejasdaļā!

The project ‘BOTT Case and Records Management’ shall acquire a solution platform which facilitates simplification, improvement and renewal of work processes in higher education. The project responds to the digitalization strategy of the Ministry of Education and Research for the higher education sector, which require the institutions to find common solutions. In addition, there will be service deliveries connected to integrations, training, conversion and maintenance, etc. The project is run by the universities of Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim and Tromsø (BOTT). The procurement will include BOTT and the other universities and colleges under the Ministry of Education and Research. We hereby invite interested vendors to an information meeting about the competition in Oslo. It will also be possible to attend the meeting via Skype. For more information, see attached document.

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