NRK MA-3234/19 RFI for L-2 - Audio Vehicle NRK


12.07.2019 13:20 (GMT+03:00)
05.08.2019 13:00 (GMT+03:00)


Norsk rikskringkasting AS Norsk rikskringkasting AS
Rune Dahler Rune Dahler
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons plass 1
Post: RC12, Boks 8500 Majorstuen, N-0340 Oslo, Norway

0340 OSLO

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This is a RFI-request for information only.

NRK is planning procurement of one medium size audio recording truck.This audio truck will produce live audio for radio and television, in addition to music recording.NRK is often recording and producing in noisy environments and we want the best possible working conditions. One of the most important factors is the acoustics and sound insulation of the control room.The equipment must be able to operate in different climatic conditions, from cold Norwegian winters to hot summers in Europe.

NRK would like input with suppliers/manufacturers who have relevant experience and references in making audio vehicles.
The RFI and the subsequent dialogue will hopefully provide us with an overview of the delivering capacity in the marked for audio vehicles.  Hopefully it will enable us to optimize the best timing and even the best cost benefit ratio for the coming procurement process.
The RFI process and the subsequent dialogue is likely to result in a public tender process early autumn 2019.

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