New Publication Tool and Design of a New Web Site for the Norwegian Academy of Music


03 - Contract award notice
Atklāts konkurss
25.06.2019 10:57 (GMT+03:00)


Norges musikkhøgskole Norges musikkhøgskole
Tore Broholt Tore Broholt
Slemdalsveien 11
0363 Oslo
974 761 106

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The Norwegian Academy of Music shall establish a new website. The new website must contain a new publication tool and must be re-designed. The main objective of the new website is to improve the current user-experiences and user-travels as well as continue the new visual identity in a new design handbook for the web solution. The current online publication solution is not working and shall therefore be replaced. The Contracting Authority emphasises that the new publication tool shall be independent and implemented in a way that makes it possible to change the provider after the solution is provided.

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