Archive — Digitalisation

Informacija apie pirkimą

Award of a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union
2018-04-25 11:36 (GMT+03:00)

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Morten Angell Berg Morten Angell Berg
Postboks 4350
2308 Hamar
917 082 308

✅✅✅ Norite gauti tokią informaciją kas rytą? Užpildykite anketą viršuje spausdami "IŠBANDYTI NEMOKAMAI" ✅✅✅

Bane NOR SF 917 082 308 Postboks 4350 Hamar 2308 Morten Angell Berg +47 22455000 Archive — Digitalisation 201803938 Bane NOR SF needs to digitalise old archives and prepare them for the Regional State Archive. Bane NOR SF requires that information in the archive is available for our archive employees and is considered to be worthy of being archived. There is also a need for the information in the archive to be digitalised and made available for Bane NOR SF, so that Bane NOR has access to the archive whilst it is being digitalised so that they can cooperate with other organisations, such as the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Avinor, Ny veier. Bane NOR SF intends to enter into a contract with the ASTA foundation, Sognsveien 221, 0862 Oslo, without a prior notice, for digitalising the archive in a way that meets the requirements from the Regional State Archive. Asta is a separate foundation and organisation that has ownership to the software that is used to scan documents so that they meet the requirements from the Regional State Archive. The Regional State Archive has, amongst other things, strict requirements as regards the archive description. Asta is the only supplier of a standard registering system for an archive description in Norway. It is necessary for Bane NOR SF that the material in the archive that is to be digitalised is 'available' whilst it is being archived. Access to the archive whilst it is being digitalised is important for cooperation with other organisation, such as the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Avinor, Ny veier. In order to correct continually scanned information that is being digitalised, ASTA offers an option to make corrections and make simple, quick archive descriptions in the browser. This browser is available for customers during the scanning and gives Bane NOR SF´s archive employees an option to correct information. Bane NOR SF also reserves the right to procure necessary the consultancy assistance that results from the digitalisation of the archive and an assessment of whether information is worthy of being archived before scanning and digitalisation. ASTA´s employees have knowledge of such an assessment, which no one else in the market can offer. In order to carry out such as assessment, it is necessary that those who shall review the information can read and understand Norwegian reason for awarding a contract without a prior notice. Bane NOR SF believes that there is no equivalent system and archive competence in the market and has not found it appropriate to announce a competition for this market survey. Bane NOR SF c/o the archive, has surveyed the potential supplier market for such services. The archive in Bane NOR SF has a large contact network in the 'archive market'. The market survey has only found one supplier in the market who can carry out the work and meet the digitalisation requirements set by the Regional State Archive and who can carry out a continual assessment of whether information is worthy of being archived. Bane NOR SF also reserves the right to procure necessary the consultancy assistance from ASTA that results from the digitalisation of the archive and assistance for the archive for assessing whether information is worthy of being archived before scanning and digitalisation the utilities regulations. Bane NOR SF believes that a contract can be signed with ASTA and that the terms pursuant to the Regulations on Procurement Rules in the Utilities Sector (FOR - 2016-08-12-975) § 9-3 litra b, points 2 and 3 are met and that the basis for a direct procurement is fulfilled. Bane NOR SF justifies the fulfilling the terms with the following: — §9-3, litra b, point 2- ASTA is the only supplier who can make information available for the contracting authority practically in real time (due to technical reasons), — §9-3, litra b, point 3- ASTA has the monopoly on the software that meets the Regional State Archive´s requirements (monopoly). Any other relevant suppliers are asked to contact the IT contract advisor, Morten Angell Berg before the deadline for the intention notice expires; Morten Angell Berg, +47 481 61 416, The deadline for filing an objection or an interim court order is: 7.5.2018, 12:00. A contract with the ASTA foundation will be entered into after the deadline has expired, as long as no objections are received about this notice of intent, or that there has been an injunction made claiming the contract cannot be signed. We request that any objections, legal action or warnings of such also be sent as a message to If Bane NOR SF becomes aware that a potential supplier believes they can deliver and proves that equivalent services can be provided, the contract will not be signed. The contracts will be signed on 7 May, as long as there are no objections to the intention notice before the deadline. Bane NOR SF believes that a contract can be signed with ASTA and that the terms pursuant to the Regulations on Procurement Rules in the Utilities Sector (FOR - 2016-08-12-975) § 9-3 litra b, points 2 and 3 are met and that the basis for a direct procurement is fulfilled. Bane NOR SF justifies the fulfilling the terms with the following: — §9-3, litra b, point 2- ASTA is the only supplier who can make information available for the contracting authority practically in real time (due to technical reasons), — §9-3, litra b, point 3- ASTA has the monopoly on the software that meets the Regional State Archive´s requirements (monopoly). The procurement is outside the scope of the procurement regulations. Archive digitalisation 2018-04-20 Stiftelsen Asta 975926494 Postboks 4013 Ullevål Stadion Oslo 0806 The deadline for filing an objection or an interim court order is: 7.5.2018, 12:00. A contract with the ASTA foundation will be entered into after the deadline has expired, as long as no objections are received about this notice of intent, or that there has been an injunction made claiming the contract cannot be signed. Bane NOR SF will use SSA-O as the contract for the assignment. We request that any objections, legal action or warnings of such also be sent as a message to If Bane NOR SF becomes aware that a potential supplier believes they can deliver and proves that equivalent services can be provided, the contract will not be signed. The contracts will be signed on 7 May, as long as there are no objections to the intention notice before the deadline. Bane NOR SF Postboks 435050 Hamar 2308 The deadline for filing objections or an interim court order is: 7.5.2018, 12:00. 2018-04-24

See tender at TED:

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