Contract concerning purchase of Controllable Grid Interface (CGI) for DTU Wind Energy

Informacija apie pirkimą

Atviras konkursas
2018-04-11 10:08 (GMT+03:00)
2018-05-11 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) - Campus Service Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) - Campus Service
Nina Marie Ravn Nina Marie Ravn
Energivej, Bygning 409
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

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The Contract for which tenders are invited concerns the purchase of a Controllable Grid Interface (CGI), which is an advanced and flexible research infrastructure, intended to test the response of wind turbine systems connected to the terminal controlled by the CGI.

The CGI shall be connected between the 10 kV terminals of the wind turbine under test and the 10 kV utility grid terminals at the DTU Risø Campus. The main power components are a back-to-back converter, harmonic filters, power transformers and 10kV switchgear. The CGI also includes a CGI converter controller with a configuration interface, a real time interface and connection to a main power switch, all of which are accessible from the DTU operational space.

For further information see the tender documents.

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