2018/-07 — Teaching Aids for Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune [Romsdal County Municipality].

Informacija apie pirkimą

Atviras konkursas
2018-04-07 10:17 (GMT+03:00)
2018-04-26 13:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Møre og Romsdal Fylkeskommune Møre og Romsdal Fylkeskommune
Arnt Ove Hol Arnt Ove Hol
6404 Molde

Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas praėjo.

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The procurement is pursuant to the Education Act § 3-1, § 9-3 and §9-4 about equipment and text books and other teaching aids. The county municipality is responsible for the students receiving the necessary printed and digital teaching aids and digital equipment. Teaching aids in sixth form collection education are free and include both digital and printed formats.

In this procurement, digital dictionaries are included in the term digital teaching aids. The contracting authority’s digital teaching aid requirements including dictionaries, are specified in Annex 2 Requirement Specification. Digital dictionaries have their own price segment in Annex 3, the Price Form.

It is desirable that the tenderer can offer a broad range, as the contracting authority wants a framework agreement with a service provider in relation to ordering, goods reception and payment.

For more information about which teaching aids, see the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training’s home pages, www.utdanningsdirektoratet.no about the Knowledge Promotion Reform.

Please refer to the requirement specification with minimum requirements and award criteria, cf. Annex 2.

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