Sande primary and secondary school.

Informacija apie pirkimą

Competitive procedure with negotiation
2018-01-13 10:15 (GMT+02:00)
2018-02-15 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Sande kommune Sande kommune
Martin Hagen
Prestegårdsalleen 35
3071 Sande
938 971 471

Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas praėjo.

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Sande municipality invites turnkey contractors to participate in a tender contest above the EEA threshold value in accordance with the regulations, parts 1 and 3 for the project 'Sande primary and secondary school and sports hall'.

The objective of the tender contest is to procure a turnkey contractor and his contract partners for the engineering design demolition of the existing buildings, construction and commissioning of the school.

An execution model based on a "development contract/collaboration contract" has been chosen for the project. See the attached tender documentation. A description of interaction as an implementation model is available on

The municipal council in Sande municipality has decided that a new primary and secondary school shall be planned for 1st to 10th years.

The school shall be planned and dimensioned for 1038 (1100) pupils in the 1st - 10th years.

The project shall resolve the following assignments:

— School,

— Sports Hall of handball size and a basic hall,

— Outdoor area, and,

— Demolition of the existing building.

The total area for the school and sports hall is estimated to be approx. 13,800 m2 gross.

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