NGS instrument with the accompanying instrument dependent consumables for delivery Helse Bergen HF.

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Award of a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union
2017-11-10 10:21 (GMT+02:00)

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Sykehusinnkjøp HF Sykehusinnkjøp HF
Ina-Kristine Pedersen Ina-Kristine Pedersen

✅✅✅ Norite gauti tokią informaciją kas rytą? Užpildykite anketą viršuje spausdami "IŠBANDYTI NEMOKAMAI" ✅✅✅

Sykehusinnkjøp HF 916879067 Vadsø Ina-Kristine Pedersen +47 95914021 NGS instrument with the accompanying instrument dependent consumables for delivery Helse Bergen HF. 2017/910 A decision has been made that Helse Bergen HF c/o Haukeland University Hospital, Centre for Medical Genetics and Molecular Medicine, shall procure 1 NGS instrument and the accompanying instrument dependent consumables from Illumina Netherlands BV. The instrument shall be used for diagnosing micro-organisms (bacteria and viruses), detecting mutations in patients who are suspected to have a heritable illness and for detecting mutations in cancer growths. Any enquiries about this intention notice shall go via the Mercell portal, 1493281.00 A decision has been made that Helse Bergen HF (Org. No 983 974 724) c/o Haukeland University Hospital, Centre for Medical Genetics and Molecular Medicine, shall procure 1 NGS instrument and the accompanying instrument dependent consumables from Illumina Netherlands BV. The instrument shall be used for diagnosing micro-organisms (bacteria and viruses), detecting mutations in patients who are suspected to have a heritable illness and for detecting mutations in cancer growths. Below is justification as to why an intention notice has been chosen as the procedure for this procurement. The justification for making the procurement as an intention notice is based on the hospital's necessary need for increased capacity, combined with a ‘back-up instrument’ for already existing instruments that consist of NextSeq and a MiniSeq from Illumina. The instrument that shall now be procured, shall be used for diagnosing micro-organisms (bacteria and viruses), detecting mutations in patients who are suspected to have a heritable illness and for detecting mutations in cancer growths. It is very important for several of these analyses to have short response times and ‘down time’ for the instrument can lead to considerable problems in the diagnosis work process. It is therefore decisive that there is an available ‘back-up instrument’ amongst the department's instruments. By choosing a new instrument from Illumina (MiSeq), all the instruments will be able to function as a back-up for each other, independent of analysis. The procurement of a new instrument from another supplier than Illumina would require a very extensive validation process, which could mean that the goal and increased capacity combined with a ‘back-up function’ are not fulfilled. This can lead to very unfortunate consequences for some analyses. Micro-biological analyses: For mapping outbreaks and monitoring, quick responses are necessary, so that an overview can be obtained of an outbreak situation as soon as possible and there is a rational and cost efficient use of isolation wards and other infection protection measures. These responses have direct consequences for both employees and patients and can have considerable influence on the way the hospital is run. The same applies to other health institutions and infection work in the municipality. Access to the necessary ‘back-up instrument’ is therefore decisive for results not being delayed due to occurring technical problems. Cancer diagnosis: Molecular diagnosis of leukaemia is currently carried out by various techniques, but work is being done to replace these with NGS based technology. Quick analysis replies are decisive for this patient group for diagnosis, treatment choice, prognosis and follow-up, which requires access to a ‘back-up instrument’ if unforeseen technical problems occur. Furthermore, NGS based analyses are planned for somatic mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. These analyses will be important as regards the use of expensive medicines. Quick responses will also be required here and there will be challenges connected to technical problems if we do not have an available ‘back-up instrument’. In addition to the mentioned medical reasons, it would also be very demanding on resources to get a new instrument from another supplier than Illumina. The department's accredited procedures for running NGS based analyses is adapted to the existing analysis platforms. These procedures are validated and quality assured and cannot be directly transferred to other technology. A review of these procedures for possible new technology is very demanding process on resources that the Contracting Authority does not see as expedient to carry out. Service contract and training. The justification for making the procurement as an intention notice is based on the hospital's necessary need for increased capacity, combined with a ‘back-up instrument’ for already existing instruments that consist of NextSeq and a MiniSeq from Illumina. Short response times are very important for several of the analyses that shall be carried out and ‘down time’ for the instrument can lead to considerable problems in the diagnosis work process. It is therefore decisive that there is an available ‘back-up instrument’ amongst the department's instruments. By choosing a new instrument from Illumina (MiSeq), all the instruments will be able to function as a back-up for each other, independent of analysis. The procurement of a new instrument from another supplier than Illumina would require a very extensive validation process, which could mean that the goal and increased capacity combined with a ‘back-up function’ are not fulfilled. This can lead to very unfortunate consequences for some analyses, amongst others within micro-biological analyses and cancer diagnosis, where a quick response is decisive. In addition to the medical reasons, it would also be very demanding on resources to get a new instrument from another supplier than Illumina. The department's accredited procedures for running NGS based analyses is adapted to the existing analysis platforms. These procedures are validated and quality assured and cannot be directly transferred to other technology. A review of these procedures for possible new technology is very demanding process on resources that the Contracting Authority does not see as expedient to carry out. Conclusion: Based on the mentioned justifications, the Contracting Authority believes that there is a legal basis to enter into a contract for the procurement of an NGS instrument and the accompanying instrument dependent consumables with Illumina Netherlands BV, without announcing a competition, cf. Public Procurement Regulations (PPR [FOA]) § 21-5, cf. § 13-4 first chapter, letter b, second point. 1 NGS instrument with the accompanying instrument dependent consumables for delivery Helse Bergen HF 2017-08-25 Illumina Netherlands BV Freddy van Riemsdijkweg 15 Eindhoven 5657 EE 1493281.00 Any enquiries about this intention notice shall go via the Mercell portal, Sykehusinnkjøp HF Vadsø +47 95914021 2017-11-08

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