Services for the organisation of the paper document archive for the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries.

Informacija apie pirkimą

Atviras konkursas
2017-10-17 10:49 (GMT+03:00)
2017-11-20 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Fiskeridirektoratet Fiskeridirektoratet
Erik Myrmel Erik Myrmel
Postboks 185, Sentrum
5804 Bergen
971 203 420

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The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries shall enter into a framework agreement for services for the organisation of paper archive materials.

Assignments included in the framework agreement involves services for organisation of paper archive materials. This implies i.a. organisation and clarifying archive materials for the delivery to the National Archival Services of Norway, facilitating for discarding archive materials, as well as archive professional consultancy related to the delivery services.

the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries' stored archive contains large amount of old archive materials and concluded archives. This archive materials shall be organised and clarified for delivery. The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries requests assistance for services related to the organisation of archives. This may be services such as:

— practical implementation and organisation of the archive,

— consultancy for the delivery of the archive.

The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries requests a regular contact person available and fixed personnel working with the archive materials.

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