Project establishment of the New Kristiansand — framework agreement consultancy services.

Informacija apie pirkimą

Atviras konkursas
2017-10-06 10:33 (GMT+03:00)
2017-11-06 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Kristiansand kommune Kristiansand kommune
Ingrid Skaim Ingrid Skaim
Rådhusgata 18, 4611
4604 Kristiansand S

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The process for establishing New Kristiansand is organised as a programme and it consists of a number of projects.

The aim of the procurement is to enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer who can cover the programme's need for qualified personnel in situations where this is required. There will be a need in the project period for more resources and competence in the project than what the contracting authority has available in its own organisation.

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