Cleaning services and other in-house services 2017.

Informacija apie pirkimą

Atviras konkursas
2017-05-12 10:34 (GMT+03:00)
2017-06-12 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) Geological Survey of Norway (NGU)
Ola Vikhammer
P.o.Box 6315 Sluppen
7491 Trondheim
970 188 290

Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas praėjo.

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The Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) invites bids for an open competition for the provision of cleaning services and in-house services within the following areas:

a. Daily and periodical cleaning services

b. Plants upkeep services

c. Windows cleaning

d. Mattes cleaning

The total cleaning area represents approximately 10,760 sqm.

All bids to be delivered in hard copies within 12.6.2017 at 12:00.

Contract award criteria (in priority order):

a. Price (60 %)

b. Quality, References and Environmental Management (40 %)

NGU reserves the right to reject all offers or part of the bids or to go into further negotiations for the selection of the most responsive supplier (s). NGU reserves the right to go out with further price quotations depending the bids' size, scope and funding availability.

Questions must be addressed in writing by e-mail to

Bids documents are Norwegian.

The on-site visit is planned on 23.5.2017 at. 13:00 at NGU.

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