Renovation and extension of Lesja nursing home — engineering design.

Informacija apie pirkimą

Atviras konkursas
2017-02-24 10:43 (GMT+02:00)
2017-03-27 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Lesja kommune Lesja kommune
Jeanette Vassbakk Jeanette Vassbakk
Pb.b 53
2665 Lesja
964 949 204

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Lesja municipality need to alter and extend Lesja nursing home. There is, thus, a need for engineering design services.

Tenderers shall provide the following services:

— Complete engineering design and preparation of tender documentation in accordance with NS3420 of 2016.

— Evaluation of tenders for contracting the contractor. (Attention is drawn to the fact that the Contracting Authority would like to carry out the next stage in the process as a joint contract with one sub-contract per discipline. See Part II Annex 4 for information on the price.)

It is also desirable that the tenderer shall offer an option for project monitoring and any changes of the alternation during in the building process.

The contracting authority would like and engineering design group for the execution of this assignment that has the following competence: PRL, ARK, RIB, RIBR, RiByfys, RIV, RIE, SØK, and KP.

For further information on the contents of the procurement, please see part II Annex 1.

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