Vadsø multi-purpose hall, construction stage 1 — turnkey contract.

Informacija apie pirkimą

Atviras konkursas
2017-01-26 10:39 (GMT+02:00)
2017-03-13 13:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Alpha Projects AS Alpha Projects AS
Odd-Arne Nilsen Odd-Arne Nilsen
Oscarsgate 41
9800 Vadsø
915 064 094

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Sentrum Primary School in Vadsø shall be redeveloped to a multi-purpose hall that shall room various new functions.

This procurement is for construction stage 1, which includes the following work in Wings A and B:


Minor changes to the plan for the Study Centre.

Ground floor:

Changing an existing aula to a culture hall/assembly room. Changes to the plan for the surrounding rooms. Refreshment facilities are to be established.

1st floor

A lot of the existing classroom structure shall be kept, but some new walls and divisions shall be made. The mezzanine cover to the north of the culture room shall be extended.

Outdoor works:

New steps and ramp shall be established for the main entrance wing A. Furthermore, access to the goods reception for the culture room on the east side of wing A shall be established.


A new lift from the basement to the 1st floor shall be established.

Demolition/disassembly/surface work etc.

See the drawings, description and room treatment form.

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