Framework agreements for gymnastics equipment.

Informacija apie pirkimą

Atviras konkursas
2016-12-22 10:51 (GMT+02:00)
2017-02-03 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Norges idrettshøgskole, henceforth referred to as NIH [The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences] Norges idrettshøgskole, henceforth referred to as NIH [The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences]
Cecilie Sælør Fon
Sognsveien 220
0863 Oslo

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New equipment shall be procured for the gymnastics hall for the renovation of NIH. Since the scope is large and varied, the procurement is divided into several competitions. Contracts have been previously awarded for the procurement and installation of a gymnastics pit with a trampoline, pegasus and landing pit. A competition will be held at a later date for the ceiling mounted equipment that shall be in the hall, which is not included in this procurement.

NIH shall enter into two framework agreements via this procurement, with the accompanying service and maintenance contracts. Each framework agreement shall be signed with one tenderer. Tenderers can freely choose whether they would like to submit a tender for one or several framework agreements. The agreements will be awarded independently of each other. The service and maintenance contract will be awarded to the same tenderer who is awarded the framework agreement for the procurement and delivery of the relevant equipment.

The total value of all the framework agreements with the service nad maintenance contracts is estimated to between 2 700 000 and 3 500 000 NOK excluding VAT. All of the framework agreements will last for two years. The contracting authority has an option to extend the length of the frameworks for one year at a time, up to twice, so that the framework agreement's total, maximum length will be four years (2+1+1 year). The equivalent will apply for the accompanying service and maintenance contracts.

The most important part of the framework agreements' value is planned as one call-off with delivery from 1.7.2017. The intention of entering into framework agreements is, amongst other things, that there shall be room for deviations based on the amounts stated in the tender documentation, further procurements after the first main delivery and room to procure from all of the chosen tenderer's assortment within the contract's extent. Even if it is NIH's clear wish to make one large and total call-off as described above, tenderers must be prepared for deviations from the described extent and for changed progress, due to, amongst other reasons, budget reasons and changed progress in the renovation project.

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