Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas praėjo.
The current agreements for card card acquiring, where the provider administers payment transaction and settlement between Ruter As, through the chosen Payment Service Provider (PSP), and the End-user's card issuing bank, expires 30 June 2017. Ruter As shall therefor enter into a new agreement for the administration of the credit card acquiring service. Transactions from alternative means of payment can be included during the contract period, by Ruter As adding these as transactions in the PSP service.
Ruter As shall enter into a new agreement with a card acquiring partner for the card transaction system in all sales channels. The contract will be initiated from 1 July 2017. The contract period is 2 years with option for 1 + 1 year extension.
The following public transport companies have the option to enter into the agreement:
— Agder Kollektivtrafikk As
— Brakar As
— Kolumbus As
— Skyss
— Troms Fylkestrafikk
— Østfold kollektivtrafikk.