Procurement of particle treatment for Norwegian patients.

Informacija apie pirkimą

2016-07-09 10:45 (GMT+03:00)
2016-08-31 12:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Sykehuspartner HF Sykehuspartner HF
Innkjøp SP Innkjøp SP
Innkjøp SP
Postboks 3562
3007 Drammen

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Sykehuspartner HF has on behalf of the four regional health authorities in Norway been commissioned to establish agreements securing particle treatment therapy for Norwegian patients, who meet the indications for this treatment.

For the time being, there are no centres providing particle therapy treatment in Norway. The Contracting Authority therefore wishes to enter into parallel framework agreements with several highly qualified international treatment facilities, in order for treatment to be procured for the relevant patients when needed. The objective of the procurement is to secure Norwegian patients particle therapy treatment from tenderers providing the treatment in Europe.

According to the estimates, the total need will amount to between 50 and 100 treatments per year.

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